
Teacher:     Oouida Dorr                                                          Grade/Period: 10, 11, & 12

Faceless Portraits

February 18 – February 21st, 2020




Create three faceless portrait photographs (8x10) and complete the Cornell Notes – turn in reading and Cornell Notes on Thursday, Feb. 20th – three photographs are due on Friday, Feb 21st, 2020





Creating a Portrait of a loved or cherished family member that represents them without including their face


Sub Objectives and State Standards/State PO’s Highlighted

Strand 1: Create – The students will create art/photography that communicates ideas, meanings, and/or purpose.

Strand 2: Relate – The students will analyze and interpret contextual ideas meanings, and purposes of art from diverse cultures and time periods.

Strand 3: Evaluate – Students will draw thoughtful conclusions about the significance of their own art.



Phase One: Do Now


T will:

  • The students will see Faceless Portraits Video, Student Photographs, a power point on The Faceless Portraits, and go over vocabulary, create criteria chart and rubric, buddy buzz solutions, (day 2 or 3: read article, do Cornell Notes) and answer the Ticket out the Door
  • “The Hook” – View images and video of amazing photographs of faceless portraits, and talk about their influence on society.

Phase Two – Instructional Scaffolding



Hook – See Teacher’s art work containing Faceless Portraits


Teacher led Q & A, Demonstration of how to create these photographs


Ticket out the Door: What is a faceless portrait? Why are they popular?


Instructional Strategies & Activities:

T: (I do) Demonstrate how to create a Photograph of a faceless portrait

S Will: (You do) Create an image

GW: (We do) Students work collaboratively with a partner to create an image of a faceless portrait

Phase Three - Formative & Summative Assessment

Ticket out the Door: What is a faceless portrait? Why are they popular?

Student assessment of personal work through display of examples

Phase Four – Practice, Apply or Extend Knowledge

  • Be able to work collaboratively to produce images

Key Vocabulary

Faceless Portraits


  • Computers

Modifications & Differentiation

  • Peer assistance/tutor
  • Direct teach to individual students
  • Extended time for assignments