
Teacher:     Oouida Dorr                                                                 Grade/Period: 10, 11, & 12 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th hours


 Photographing Found Object Letters for a Word of Inspiration

November 4th – November 18th, 2019


Objective: Photographing Each Letter of Your Name (or a special word to you), through Found Objects


Assignment: Decide on a word with at least 5 letters. Photograph found objects that create the illusion of each letter in that word. On the Picsart app. Connect/stitch the letters together to form your chosen word. Email completed image to Mrs. Dorr. Complete Reading and Cornell Notes - Reading #1 due Thursday Nov. 7th, Reading #2 due Thursday Nov 14th. Image of stitched word due Friday Nov 15th, 2019


Sub Objectives and State Standards/State PO’s Highlighted


Strand 1: Create – The students will create art/photography that communicates ideas, meanings, and/or purpose.

Strand 2: Relate – The students will analyze and interpret contextual ideas meanings, and purposes of art from diverse cultures and time periods.

Strand 3: Evaluate – Students will draw thoughtful conclusions about the significance of their own art.


3.3 Demonstrate work ethics and behavior

3.6 Practice the use of technology & techniques

3.7 Display elements of professionalism

6.0 Explore problem solving and decision making means

6.1 Practice problem-solving processes for a graphic


T will: Day 1:

  •  “The Hook” – PowerPoint with Found Object Letters and Words
  • Bell work: Think about some found object letters and where you could find some on campus then write down three examples
  •  Classroom discussion about lighting and color saturation and the rule of thirds
  • Buddy Buzz with your shoulder partner about your found letters you can think of…. Tire swings = O’s, Tree Branches for T’s and X’s, etc.


The Agenda: Bell work – student lead class discussion on ways to represent your full name through your found object letter photographs  


Teacher led Q & A about

  • Ticket out the Door –Write a short reflection about your photographs and the experience of looking for them
  • Classroom discussion about lighting and color saturation and the rule of thirds


Student assessment: Photograph with Rubric


Instructional Strategies & Activities:

T:  (I do) Demonstrate taking this type of photograph


S Will: (You do) Photograph and edit on Photoshop or phone a found object letter word photograph

GW: (We do) Students work collaboratively with a partner to create their photographs


Student assessment: Photograph with Rubric

  • Ticket out the Door –Write a short reflection about your photographs and the experience of looking for them


  • Student assessment of personal work through display of examples


  • Be able to work collaboratively to design and create photographic images


Vocabulary: Found objects & Repetition


T:  Display completed photographs

Group W: Bell work and Buddy Buzzes ideas for found object letters

Team W: Create found object letters of your name photographs

Formative A: Ticket out the door – Reflection

Final Objective: Create and produce collaboratively


  • Computers and Photo Equipment


  • Peer assistance/tutor
  • Direct teach to individual students
  • Extended time for assignments